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Golden et al. - The Life and Afterlife of the Classic Period Piedras Negras Kingdom (Ritual, Violence, and the Fall of the Classic Maya Kings)
Golden et al. - Reanalyzing Environmental Lidar Data for Archaeology: Mesoamerican Applications and Implications (Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports)
Jiménez Alvarez et al. - La Cerámica del Período Clásico Tardío Procedente de la Región entre los Ríos Chocolja y Busilja, en el Río Usumacinta Medio de Chiapas, México (Los Investigadores de la Cultura Maya)
Scherer and Golden - War in the West: History, Landscape, and Classic Maya Conflict (Embattled Bodies, Embattled Places: War in Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica and the Andes)
Scherer and Golden - Water in the West: Chronology and Collapse of the Classic Maya River Kingdoms (The Great Maya Droughts in Cultural Context)
Scherer et al. - Danse Macabre: Death, Community, and Kingdom at El Kinel, Guatemala (The Bioarchaeology of Space and Place: Ideology, Power, and Meaning in Maya Mortuary Contexts)
Scherer et al. - Local Water Resource Variability and Oxygen Isotopic Reconstructions of Mobility: A Case Study from the Maya Area (Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports)
Schroder et al. - At the Crossroads of Kingdoms: Recent Investigations on the Periphery of Piedras Negras and Its Neighbors (The PARI Journal)
Golden and Scherer - Un Mundo Mojado: Paisaje y Poder en los Reinos Maya del Oeste
Golden and Scherer - Territory, Trust, Growth, and Collapse in Classic Maya Kingdoms
Golden, et al. - Polities, Boundaries, and Trade in the Classic Period Usumacinta River Basin (Mexicon)
Scherer and Golden - Tecolote, Guatemala (J of Field Archaeology)
Golden et al. - Piedras Negras and Yaxchilan
Golden and Scherer - Border Problems (Mesoweb)
Balzotti et al - Remote Sensing as a Tool for Tropical Ecology (Geography Compass)
Houston et al. - Yaxchilan Style Lintel (Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing)
Scherer et al. - Diet at Piedras Negras, Guatemala (Latin American Antiquity)

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